Where be me willow bark tea? Tis bad enough I have fae on the rampage now that fool human female, Olivia have started a war between the humans and wild elves. She said "But I loves him!" ffftttt....She canna even speak his language! She be young and foolish and doesna have whit one about what love be or not be. Love a wild elf....that will get her killed for sure. Their clan leader will no put up with summat like that, for sure. Rowan be right protective of her brother, Oak, and I can tell ye now, no human female be goin to snare him away from the wood. Livvy got herself knocked oer the head oer this whole business. And wouldna tell me how or why. So I sent that oaf, Wulf, the tavern-keep, out to look for whoever doid such a thing to her, thinkin mayhaps some dock lout were waylayin females. Her little indiscretion of not mentionin to me that it be Rowan who did her head in caused a load of trouble. Seems Oak didna know what his sister were up to and were lurkin about hopin for a glimpse of Livvy. Wulf saw him and assumed the worse, I guess and went after him. Oak, of course, bein a wild elf, had the upper hand and beat him to the ground, takin some savage blows to hisself in the meantime. I came upon Oak huffin and puffin oer Wulf's body, healed them both and once again took Livvy to task for startin such a mess. Then along comes that Delrethious..the half elf half human mage who doesna comprehend whit one about elviness. He and Justine ran up. Justine were such a grand help to me curin folks that needed it and tendin to Livvy's head. (That fool Wulf gave her hard spirits with a head injury...twas a god thing she didna pass out into oblivion). Delrethious couldna see why there be such a problem and muttered summat about cultuures. He deosna even know his own so I dunna listen to anythin he has to say about anyone elses. Seems he sees naught wrong with the humans cuttin down live trees in the wild elf forest without a by yer leave or any sort of reparation. What be this world comin to? Fae that hurts animals that are defenseless and now elves that dunna know the importance of a living tree?!?!?!!? At any rate, I had Justine cart Wulf's arse back to the tavern so Oak wouldna kill him on the spot. Then I spoke with Oak a bit and then I went to find that Olivia and have a word or four or five with her. I be here to tell ye, I tyold her she'd ebst come up with some way to fix all this or there will be war. Rowan wilna tolerate some human harmin her brother. Wulf be a marked man. Not that a give a fig what happens to him. He be a worthless walleyed lout. Oh...and then that other mage, the one with the same name as the evil dragon, Zara, showed up. I ahd had about my fill of humans for the day but were polite to her. Asides..I needs some magic done and I canna go to Delrethious about it meself. I willna be beholdin to that one. SO mayhaps she be the answer. We will see. believe what happened this rampage but now
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