Friday, June 11, 2010

On Demonic Manifestations..or summat like that

This demon...Ivarru he says his name be....he keeps poppin up everywhere...sardonic and glib he be and a tad more scathin than some...Swith took exception and wrote a song about him for the bard circle..good thing he didna show up until later! Then she'd have more than just Saia the Silver after her! I needs to know how he found his way through the rift...he doesna answer to he canna have been called forth. And I dunna want him to find out I have that soul stone...twould cause even more trouble. Caught Livvy and Oak together again this morn...took them both to task this time...she hasna a clue...naive human that she be. I tried explainin to her the elven perspective on things and made her sad..but do she be sad enough to do summat constructive about it or like other humans, just sit back and wallow in it? At any rate...we need to keep ehr occupied until the Solstice. Rowan says the land needs teh sacrifice and if Rowan says so who be I to argue? If the human bes nae strong enough to survive then twil be a paltry effort. I hope rowan has chosen wisely. Last eve a wanderin minstrel named Paddy came I have met in other realms afore..twas good to see and hear from him but he surely were dressed in the oddest arrangement of clothes I have ever seen...Swith says were his courtly minstrel clothes..shakes head..humans...twere garish to my eyes. (smirks) I told the dragons about the demon bathin in their lava pool. They werena pleased...(laughs) That will fix him...

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