Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I had to check to see that my tongue were itnact today. It were there, thankfully. I told Swith and Olivia that I think cabbages be growin in their ears. I know I talk loud enough. And often enough. sighs. At any rate, I ahd to go fetch Olivia outta the forest today. AFTER I ahd just given her a big talk about the dangers out there and how the wild elven dunna like humans. She be so sweet, though, and naive. She wanted top "be their friend". Aye, well, friendship goes two ways. Tis a good thing I speak wilder or she may have come to some real harm. And Swith, she be darting here and there avoiding Saia, the silver dragon, so she doesna have to turn over her lute. Twas a case of flappin' tongue that did her in. I explains it this way: When dragons be around, watch what ye say and how ye say it. They dunna think like anything but dragons. ANd expectin them to come down to yer level be madness. They wilna...ever...So Swith made a remark that were all inclusive of teh company at large, dragons bein' present. She referred to everyone as bein "daft". First of all, dragons dunna consider themselves one of "us". So the first insult were that they were included in a hodgepodge of humans, fae and elven. The second were the word. Saia decided recompense needed to be made for her gaff. And wants her lute. Now ye need to know a few things bout my friend Swith. She be one of the finest minstrels I ahve heard the world oer. She can spin words into songs and her fingers can pull things from that lute that no other person ever could. Especially not when they's consumed several mugs of rum. She be about the worst sort of sot ye ever did see. Unless ye knows what lies inside. There be some that dunna understand why I would befriend such as her. Well..tis easy for me to say. We both be misfits in our won ways. Ye know why I am. She has her own sotry and tells it in another place. ( She ahve had that lute of hers for most of her liofe. It be like her own soul, that lute. To look at it ye would think it junk. But what comes form them strings be magic. She would shudder hearin' me say so, since she doesna like magic at all. But it is nonetheless. Saia will coem for it on the morrow. To teach Swith a lesson. Now bothe Livvy adn I ahve said to ehr, Saia be nae a cruel dragon. SHe be the Guardian fo Balance, after all! I know for a fact she would enver keep the lute. She jsut wants to teach Swith a lesson. Swith be bridlin' under the authority and I can see her mind swivelin' about tryin' to conjure up some wya outta it. For a person who doesna hold with magic her mind sure does conjure enough of it. sighs...She be diggin' her won hole deeper. I can tell. And if that be nae enough for one person to worry oer, there be that human, Emily,and her obsession with Lore. Now there be a set of deaf ears if I ever saw one. I needs to think about that one. Tricky problem. But dunna worry, I will come up with summat. I always do.
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