Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Happened Next

sighs....I know..this be all some ancient history but there do be a few out there who dunna know bear with me and I will try to be brief as I can be. So I sailed to Waterdeep and went to that temple. They asked me bunches of questions and I were hesitant to tell 'em all the strange thing that happened to me back on teh elf island, but they sort of had it already figgered out. They clucked and hemmed and hawed and made comments that them Moon elves should have sent me there afore the big event...or at least have sent me back to some of my own kind. Found out they be way far away and that my parents were most likely the last of the lythari left on Evermeet. Lythari. At least there be a name for this thing that happens to me. It bew right strange to ahve two of yerself, ye know. More like...two bodies. One elven..the other....wolf. Grey wolf. With green eyes. At least that's what I see when I be that way and look in the river. And it seems there be a purpose for my kind. We do service to this Moon Goddess of the name Selune. She be the good one. Shar be her twin, the bad one. And ye allas knows....where there be good, bad surely raises its' head. In my case, the bad be lycan. Were folk of the wolf type. Bipwdal hybrids between a human and a wolf. At least I be a real wolf and dunna bay under the full moon like some savegey thing. SO I learned how to be an Oracle to this goddess and were sent out to find these lycan and either convince 'em to give up their wicked ways or kill 'em in teh Giddesses name. Tweren't exactly how I had planned my life out back there on Evermeet.

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